Back home

Hi everyone — I’m back from vacation and had a wonderful time (except for this incident), but I’m having trouble settling back into things at home; it’s always hard to come back from vacation, but even harder when I face unpleasantness at work.  So while I’d love to resume regular blogging, I’m not feeling up to it at the moment; instead, I’m enjoying Ngaio Marsh’s Death in a White Tie, and wishing I could have stayed in Vermont … I’ll be back soon.


Filed under Life

10 responses to “Back home

  1. tom

    Sorry to hear about the accident. It sounds like it hurt. And work…..? I’m new to your blog and din’t see where you mentioned your job. Librarian?


  2. Welcome back Dorothy! Sorry about Hobgoblin and his bike. Hope he heals up ok. Looking forward to your blogging return. I’ve missed you!


  3. verbivore

    Welcome back! Coming back from holiday is never much fun, and going back to work even less. Enjoy your reading and hope things get better (or at least manageable) soon.


  4. Welcome back! Oh I know how awfully hard it is to get started again after a vacation, or any sort of break from the routine. Take it easy – we’re all here ready and waiting whenever it suits. And that’s a great Ngaio Marsh – I remember enjoying it a lot!


  5. Sorry to hear about the bike and worse about the possible cracked ribs–that’s awful. Don’t you wish you could have a vacation after you get back from a vacation? I hope you don’t have to go back to work right away (though I suspect classes are starting soon all over). Enjoy your Marsh (isn’t she good) and ease back into things–at least for your readers–we’re glad you’re back! 🙂


  6. Eek hope Hobgoblin is doing well! Glad to see you are back and just take your time with the blog. Coming back from a vacation is kinda hard isn’t it. Meanwhile just enjoy your mystery!


  7. adevotedreader

    Welcome back! Look forward to hear about your reading when you do feel up to it. In the meantime, reading about Troy and Alleyn is always fun.


  8. Sorry to hear about the biking accident – hope he is okay! Good luck recovering from your holiday, getting back to work is always a bit of a grind. Enjoy your reading, though!


  9. I’m having a hard time returning to regular blogging myself but I trust it will take care of itself as my life becomes more routine. Enjoy your time off and we will all be here when you return!


  10. Hi Tom — I’m a college teacher. So this time of year is pretty crazy, getting ready for the new semester after a long, reasonably slow summer.

    Thank you Stefanie — Hobgoblin is doing well, and I’m glad to be back!

    Verbivore — thank you, and I think things are starting to look manageable. It does take a while to feel normal again!

    Litlove — I did enjoy the Marsh novel; actually, I read it because you recommended it on Danielle’s blog and that stuck in my head. So thank you!

    Thank you Danielle. Classes don’t start until after Labor Day, so I do have a bit of a break, although I have meetings and such and have to prepare for class. I did enjoy the Marsh mystery very much — she IS great!

    Iliana — thank you! A mystery was the perfect thing for that difficult transition to regular life.

    Adevotedreader — yes, the Troy/Alleyn dynamic was interesting! I’d like to read more of her work.

    Melanie — thank you; yes, Hobgoblin is doing okay, although still in some pain. I think things are getting back to normal, slowly!

    Courtney — oh, you know just what it’s like, and yes, it will take care of itself — these kinds of things aren’t permanent. Thank you!


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